Discover essential tips for setting up a buffet table for a party that’s both stylish and practical. Learn how to organise dishes, manage guest flow, and add creative touches to elevate your event. Perfect for ensuring your next buffet is a hit with all your guests.
Discover the joy of bringing friends and community together for a spring clean working bee. Get tips on productive tasks and delicious, hassle-free meal ideas from Salad Servers Direct to keep everyone energised and productive throughout the day.
Learn how to organise a stress-free party with simple catering tips. Explore fresh salad ideas and perfect pairings to create a memorable event. Enjoy effortless hosting with easy, affordable solutions that keep your guests satisfied.
Hosting a party or event and want to impress your guests with a beautiful and delicious salad bar? Look no further! With our fresh and creative salads you can easily create a stunning salad bar that will be the highlight of your event.
Using edible flowers to garnish your salads will make them truly unforgettable! These vibrant blooms add a touch of fresh elegance, unique flavours, and a visually striking appeal to your spread and are perfect for catering, events and parties.
Did you know that butter chicken, a global favourite, was born out of a need to avoid wastage? In the 1950s, Delhi's Moti Mahal restaurant transformed leftover tandoori chicken into a creamy, flavourful international sensation.
Winter in Australia offers a unique opportunity for gardeners to cultivate hardy vegetables that thrive in cooler temperatures. Despite the drop in temperatures, your garden doesn’t have to lie dormant.
To combat the winter blues and add a touch of fun and festivity to the colder months, many people in Australia and other countries celebrate "Christmas in July," a whimsical and enjoyable way to embrace the colder months.
Protein is an essential macronutrient that is your body's ultimate ally, essential for growth, repair, and maintenance of tissues, including muscles, skin, hair, and organs. It's not just for bodybuilders or athletes; protein is a key player for everyone.
Pulses are a powerhouse of nutrition with significant health benefits. These humble seeds not only provide essential nutrients but are also a sustainable food choice due to their low carbon footprint, water efficiency, biodiversity and soil health benefits.
Bolognese sauce isn't just a pasta topping; it's a culinary journey with a history as rich and flavourful as the sauce itself. Thanks to the pre-made Bolognese sauce from Salad Servers Direct, you can savour this Italian classic without breaking a sweat.